Category Archives: BBQs

BBQ covers to keep you partying for years

Lifestyle Premium 3/4 Burner Hooded Gas BBQ Grill Cover

No matter how rufty-tufty your BBQ is, whatever it’s made from and however much it cost, covering it up in cold wet weather makes a difference to its lifespan. Our BBQ covers do an epic job. Here’s a deep-dive into barbecue covers and why they’re such a wise move. BBQ covers that actually fit You […]

Top selling masonry BBQs for blokes

Palazzetti Masonry BBQ Giardino UP – With Wood Brazier and Large Cooking Grill

Behind every great barbecue, there’s a great man. Globally, women make around nine meals a week and men make four. But take cooking outdoors and it’s a whole different ball game. Here are some inspiring photos of big, good-looking, hard-working, top selling masonry BBQs that men love. If you’re a bloke who’s about to make a […]

Small garden? Buy a small BBQ!

Buy a small BBQ

You could by a real whopper of a barbie for your garden, but if there’s not enough room you’ll end up roasting your friends and family, scorching the greenery and sending your guests running for a cool space to recover. If there’s a pond they’ll probably jump into it. And that’s why you need to […]

The big Outdoor BBQ Kitchen Buyers Guide

Enders® Kansas Pro 3 Sik Turbo Gas BBQ Grill

So you’d love to invest in a beautiful, hard-working, feature-rich outdoor BBQ kitchen? What an excellent idea! Whether you buy one of our large or XL models or choose something smaller and neater for your garden, there’s plenty to think about before you make a decision. Welcome to our Outdoor BBQ Kitchen Buyers Guide. By […]

Cook HUGE with the Keansburg 6 Burner Gas BBQ

BBQ steak

Sometimes, only the biggest outdoor oven will do. If that’s your ambition, how’s this for a solution? Introducing the brilliant Keansburg 6 Burner Gas BBQ, a stand-out item designed to cook for large parties, offering generous foodie-led entertainment in the garden. It’s also loved by commercial buyers. Let’s explore. About the Keansburg 6 Special Edition […]