Author Archives: admin

Your chiminea maintenance kit

logs crammed into chimenea

So you’ve invested in a stunning cast iron chiminea, or a wonderful Mexican clay chiminea. Now you need a chiminea maintenance kit to go with it. Congratulations on a wise buy. You’re going to have such fun with friends and family! This post sets out the chiminea maintenance kit you’ll need to keep your chiminea […]

Your chiminea safety kit – Two essentials

fire safety

Chimineas, like fire bowls, fire pits, outdoor ovens, pizza ovens and BBQs, get HOT! Where there’s heat and flames there’s always a special need for safety, especially when you’re busy partying, when there are small children or pets around, and you’re enjoying alcohol with your food. Here are two chiminea safety essentials, a couple of […]

Is a chimenea safer than an open fire?

stunning firepit location

A chimenea, whether it’s made of clay or metal, works like a giant radiator. It gets very hot. An open fire also gets very hot. Which is safest? Is a chiminea safer than an open fire? Outdoor fire safety – Adults only? If you’re heading outdoors for adult-only entertainment an open fire is fine unless […]

Cheap Chimeneas? It Ain’t Worth it!

Do we sell cheap chimeneas? Actually no, we don’t. While the chims we sell are great value, they don’t fall into the cheap end of things, the ‘don’t last for long’ side of life, the ‘it’ll do for now’ style of living. Everything we sell is very good quality. We like to please our customers […]

15 Things to do With an Old Chiminea

Eventually, everything dies. Even our beautifully made, quality steel, cast iron and clay chimineas. Sometimes we just get tired of them and fancy a change. But these days the trend is clear. We don’t just throw things away. We recycle, repurpose and repair. We use it up and we wear it out. So what can […]