Your chiminea safety kit – Two essentials

fire safety

Chimineas, like fire bowls, fire pits, outdoor ovens, pizza ovens and BBQs, get HOT! Where there’s heat and flames there’s always a special need for safety, especially when you’re busy partying, when there are small children or pets around, and you’re enjoying alcohol with your food. Here are two chiminea safety essentials, a couple of must-have accessories to make your alfresco lifestyle even more fun.

Chiminea safety – The fire blanket

Fire Blanket (120cm)
We sell two sizes of fire blanket for chiminea safety.

Chimineas are generally pretty safe. They generate an enormous amount of heat, more so with the cast iron versions, but they don’t let sparks escape like an open fire will. The sparks stay safely inside the chiminea belly so there’s very little risk of a spark or ember setting anything alight.

Having said all that, it still makes sense to buy a Fire Blanket just in case there’s an unwanted blaze you need to put out quickly and efficiently.

We sell a large Fire Blanket measuring 120cm by 180cm, the biggest of the two fire blankets we stock, designed to quickly put out larger fires by starving them of oxygen. The other one measures 90cm square, good for smaller chimineas, fire pits and BBQs. They’re both made from 100% glass fibre, both conform to EU standard: EN-1869:1997, and they’re very simple to use.

If there’s a fire, simply throw the blanket over as much of the fire as you can – then sit tight and wait. The glass fibre prevents oxygen getting in and kills the flames fast. Once it’s been used, all you do is replace it with a new one. With a bit of luck and care, you’ll never have to resort to it. But it’s handy to have around just in case.

Use your chiminea safely with heat resistant fire gloves

Safety Accessories Bundle for Chimineas or Firebowls
Our thick, heavy fire gloves offer excellent protection.

Fire is hot. Humans are not! These top quality heat resistant leather fire gloves make the alfresco lifestyle more pleasurable as well as safer. No diving in and out, risking singed skin to place new fuel on your fire or inside the chiminea. These protect your hands and forearms when you’re setting and maintaining a fire, ideal for use with fire bowls, braziers, BBQs and incinerators as well as chimineas and pizza ovens.

They’re pretty useful for simple things like minding a fire, using tools near a fire, or handling hot metal. The secret is in the wonderfully thick real suede they’re made from. There’s also a protective lining inside for extra safety, designed to withstand heat for long enough to prevent your skin burning. One size fits all. They’re 35cm long from finger to wrist, perfect for staying safer around fires and other sizzly stuff.