Check out our stunning collection of garden furniture

Garden furniture

Some people drag their indoor furniture outside on sunny days, giving their settee and armchairs an unexpected sunbathing session. While it’s a comfy choice, it’s far from ideal! Some make their own creative garden furniture out of ‘found objects’. Skilled people craft garden furniture out of wood or metal. Anything goes, really. But let’s face it, the best garden furniture is purpose built for the job, made from the right materials therefore designed to last.

If you’ve been putting off buying garden furniture for ages and have finally decided now’s the time, what should you keep an eye open for, what are the best buys, and why? Here are some expert recommendations.

Essential reasons to buy garden furniture from us

First off, outdoor furniture is designed for the outdoors. OK, so that’s spectacularly obvious – but the details matter. Take the materials. The fabrics, moulded materials and woven materials used to make the Norfolk Leisure range of alfresco furniture are made to withstand the ravages of the weather much better than ordinary upholstery fabrics designed for indoor use.

How outdoor furniture materials matter

Leave your sofa outdoors in the sun and it’ll probably fade. Abandon your cushions in the garden and they won’t last long. Leave real rattan furniture outdoors and the rattan will soon start to rot. The stuffing inside a regular chair isn’t designed to be rained on, it goes all soggy and can soon start to smell. Add mud, dust, soil, food and drinks to the equation and it clearly isn’t a good idea to use indoor furniture outside.

What impact does quality have on garden furniture?

Is it best to buy quality exterior furniture sets? The answer has to be ‘yes’. In our world you tend to get what you pay for. A very cheap set of garden furniture won’t last. The sun will start to perish the materials, the rain will cause damage far too quickly. A couple of years later you could easily be left with something that looks tatty and is no longer fit for purpose. And that’s what we call a waste of good money. Buy the best quality you can afford for an alfresco experience that looks good and lasts a lot longer.

It’s a style thing…

Style matters, too. Trends come and go. The beautiful garden furniture we sell is designed to be on-trend, with desirable colours and attractive designs that suit every sort of garden. The look at the moment is calm, cool and collected, a masterpiece of greys and browns and taupes.

Adding your own personality to our outdoor furniture sets

If you like to follow your own star, it’s easy to make our superb outdoor furniture your own. Add patio umbrellas in jewel-like colours for a lively, vibrant look. Include toning or contrasting scatter cushions from the shops, or make some. Embellish our stunning gazebos with lush floaty fabrics chosen for drama. Because you’re basing all the magic on top quality outdoor furniture, giving yourself a solid, purpose-built foundation to work on, your creative efforts will always look wonderful.

Inspired? Click here for the garden products you need!

Ready to change your outdoor lifestyle for the better? Click here for the best quality garden furniture sets plus other cool alfresco entertainment items from a manufacturer we trust to create 100% fabulous every time.