Amazing outdoor food – 3 simple burger recipes to die for

Two gorgeous cheesy burgers

Simple burger recipes are a BBQ classic and they come in every imaginable variety. When you’re cooking burgers outdoors, it’s often best to keep things really easy. Here are three really easy beef burger recipes to kick off your alfresco party. Choose your meat and make your own – or buy burgers ready made – then do this!

Fiery burgers DIY-doused in Tabasco sauce

Some like it hot. Others don’t. But most of us like things simple, and we all like our food prepared in the way we prefer.

Rather than make all your burgers fiery, pleasing some of your guests and frightening others with your awesome flavouring antics, why not let people create their own flavour explosion with Tabasco? The orange original is as hot as a hot thing. McIlhenny’s Green Jalapeño hot sauce adds a different kind of heat to your burgers, more zesty with less of a burn. It’s an incredible flavour and it makes entertaining people easy.

Simply cook your burgers to perfection then, before shoving the meat into buns, invite people to add their own Tabasco. Seasoned lovers of heat will douse their burger with confidence and bear the pain of McIlhenny’s original with a strange sort of pleasure. Lesser mortals will go easier on themselves, experimenting with the green stuff to give their burgers a piquant treat without the burn. Everyone’s happy.

The green stuff – not as hot as the orange one!

Simple burger recipes – A great eggy burger

Next, let’s keep things equally simple. Take one beautifully-cooked burger. Season it with sea salt and ground black pepper for a fragrant, exotic scent. Then fry a free range egg and pop it on top before enclosing the entire lovely masterpiece in a fresh, soft burger bun. If you really want to go crazy, add cheese and some crisp salad leaves. You devil, you.

Thanks to for the image.

Nigel Slater’s ricotta beefburger

Mix some beef mince with ricotta, spring onions, capers and rosemary, then season your mix. Pan fry the burgers for 6-8 minutes each side. Make relish by chopping up sun-dried tomatoes and mixing them with olive oil, sherry and seasoning. You can get the recipe and full preparation details by following this link to Nigel Slater’s wonderful ricotta burger on the BBC Food website.

Thanks to for the image

We’re also delving deep into the culinary delights of simple vegan and veggie burgers. Come back to see what we’ve come up with!